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Who we are

Retail Real Estate Investment Company

Founded in 2014 by Italian-Israeli entrepreneurs, Itay Properties offers professionalism, experience and customised services to retail companies that want a foothold in Italy’s most important shopping streets, freeing them from the burden of a buy out. It assists commercial property owners in the management by mitigating rental risks or helps them in the optimisation of the location in case they wish to sell it. Finally, it identifies real estate solutions for investors capable of guaranteeing a high return.


Immobili in portfolio


Città presidiate

Only the best locations

Itay Properties acts as a unique and reliable strategic partner for companies, Italian or foreign, wishing to develop their business in the area. It offers owners and investors the opportunity to maximise property returns by identifying the best strategies to increase its value.

High street retailing

Punti vendita collocati nelle principali vie dello shopping dei centri urbani italiani.

Cerchi un negozio in una high street?

Scopri i servizi per le aziende retail

Sei proprietario di un immobile retail?

Leggi cosa possiamo fare per te!

Vuoi diversificare i tuoi investimenti?

Scopri il nostro prodotto finanziario retail

La nostra sede nel cuore pulsante di Milano

Get Directions

Vieni a trovarci.

La nostra sede si trova a due passi dal Duomo di Milano in piazzetta Pattari, 7 – ang. Corso Vittorio Emanuele


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